AllBooksChildrenEducationalcomicsConceptualGraphic My head is spinning!Illustration selected at the 18th edition of Tapirula Illustration Contest, the theme was TILT. Italian loveCelebrative illustration for the Italian Republic Day. Ben Detto!Grammar book for middle school published by Edizioni Atlas. SavonaSeries selected at the fifth edition of Premio Nuvolosa. My beloved PaperonaSelf portrait. Kind peoplePersonal work. Me!My avatar. Ben Detto!Grammar book for middle school published by Edizioni Atlas. A well-deserved break!Illustration selected at the 17th edition of Tapirulan Illustrators Contest, the theme was STOP. Spinning JennyEducational personal project. SavonaSeries selected at the fifth edition of Premio Nuvolosa. LabyrinthEditorial illustration for Gigi Ghirotti Onlus News. Kind peoplePersonal work. Ben Detto!Grammar book for middle school published by Edizioni Atlas. Summertime!Personal project. Let's go to the beachFlyer project for Il Porto dei piccoli non-profit association. Me!My avatar. Ben Detto!Grammar book for middle school published by Edizioni Atlas. SavonaSeries selected at the fifth edition of Premio Nuvolosa. Hairdressers!Personal project. Trick or Treat?Personal project. Ben Detto!Grammar book for middle school published by Edizioni Atlas. Kind peoplePersonal work. We love Italy!Educational personal project. Ben Detto!Grammar book for middle school published by Edizioni Atlas. 25th AprilCelebrative illustration for the Italian Liberation Day. Restaurant dinnerPersonal work. SavonaSeries selected at the fifth edition of Premio Nuvolosa. Ben Detto!Grammar book for middle school published by Edizioni Atlas. Brain in love!Educational personal project. SublimeEditorial illustration for Gigi Ghirotti Onlus News. Chicken kissPersonal project. Ben Detto!Grammar book for middle school published by Edizioni Atlas. AthensEducational personal project. Green Memory GameMemory Game cards for Il Porto dei piccoli non-profit association. Christmas time!Personal project. No wordsEditorial illustration for Gigi Ghirotti Onlus News. Ben Detto!Grammar book for middle school published by Edizioni Atlas. Green Memory GameMemory Game cards project for Il Porto dei piccoli non-profit association. Plastic pollutionGraphics for Il Porto dei piccoli non-profit association. SnowmanChristmas card project. Let's go to the parkFlyer project for Il Porto dei Piccoli non-profit association. Greek heroEducational personal project. Underwater!Illustration for Il Porto dei piccoli non-profit association. Warm clothesPersonal project. Me!My avatar. Summertime!Personal project. Brain in love!Educational personal project. Let's restart!Editorial illustration for Il Secolo XIX newspaper to celebrate the end of Covid-19 restrictions. Flyer projectFlyer project for Il Porto dei Piccoli non-profit association. Plastic pollutionIllustration for Il Porto dei piccoli non-profit association. My head is spinning!Illustration selected at the 18th edition of Tapirula Illustration Contest, the theme was TILT. Me!My avatar Plastic pollutionIllustration for Il Porto dei piccoli non-profit association. AthensEducational personal project. A well-deserved break!Illustration selected at the 17th edition of Tapirulan Illustrators Contest, the theme was STOP. ParadoxConceptual illustration about a two scientists' research. Stronger plantsConceptual illustration about genetic expetiments on plants. © 2025 Anna Nutarelli Illustrator | Privacy Policy | Cookie Policy |